Join Mayor Carter and senior City staff on Thursday, September 19 for a telephone open house! The City will be calling Oshawa landlines and provided cell numbers beginning at 6:30 p.m. The one hour call will include a brief update from the City before opening the lines for listeners to ask their questions about City programs or services, which include:

  • waste, green bin and yard waste collection;
  • City roads, including maintenance and snow clearing;
  • parks and recreation;
  • the City budget;
  • sidewalk maintenance, and more.

Register your cell number before end of day Thursday, September 12 to make sure you don’t miss a minute! You can register by:

  • completing the form below; or,
  • contacting Corporate Communications by email or at 905-436-5686.

You can also join the call the night of by dialing 1-800-790-3797.

Not comfortable asking a question over the phone? Submit your questions below until end of day Thursday, September 12! We will do our best to get to all questions during the one hour event, but may run out of time. All questions submitted through Connect Oshawa will receive a response online.

Keep in mind that questions must relate to City programs or services. Programs and services not covered in the call include Regional services (e.g. Regional roads, police and ambulance services, social services, community housing, transit, etc.), as well as Provincial and Federal services and programs. Learn more about the roles and responsibilities of different levels of government on our Government Services webpage.

A recording of the Open House will be available online on the City’s YouTube channel in the days following the event.

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